Eyes have always fascinated us. A lot can be revealed about a person from their glance, and some say, that “the eyes are the window to the soul”, which, to be honest, seems a little cheesy, but in some ways it is true... With the story about this “eye” that, for a few months now, we have been engraving onto our work, we want to launch this new section on the oficio studio website. Our stories, all those good things, as well as those that aren't so great, that happen to us and which we want to share with you.
José Antonio Suárez Londoño (J.A.S.L.) is a Colombian artist we discovered a few years ago thanks to an exhibition at la Casa Encendida. We can't put it any more mildly: we became totally obsessed with his work. The delicacy and detail in his drawings, and the stamps he creates from erasers captivated us. But in this world of ours that is connected 24/7, we found that this man didn't have email, or a phone with Whatsapp, nor any evident way in which to contact him from Madrid. Thus his myth became even greater, and so we decided to write him a hand-written letter, and somehow figure out how to get it to him.
J.A.S.L. work.
We were in the process of doing so, when, surprise! Thanks to one of those coincidences that are difficult to explain, on an afternoon last Autumn, we found José Antonio at out our studio door. Well ok, maybe we're exaggerating a bit, we were on the square with some friends, when he walked into “Miseria”, our friends Pablo and Olga's shop in the building next door. The next minutes were like from a film: Pablo came out of the shop with a postcard that José Antonio had given to him, David recognised the drawings on it, and I ran into shop yelling like a mad woman: “We're suuuuuuuuuuch fans!”
Incredible? Yes. But true.
J.A.S.L. in Oficio Studio.
The plants from our windowsill drawn by J.A.S.L.
The rest is history. We invited him to visit oficio studio, and (such luck!) we found, that just like we had fallen in love with his work, he fell in love with ours too. He returned several times to work, draw and share his talent with us, and showed us how to make rubber stamps. To top it all off, he “stamped” our friendship by giving us the Eye, our new logo. We cannot but say a huge, massive THANK YOU!!!
The original rubber stamp and the new engraving stamp with the Eye.